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@jcroft: Ha, I’d forgotten that. And unless you have a sexy parka like that fellow, you’re right…probably an unfair characterization. :)...
@stuntbox: I think I’m more concerned that you’ve seen others.
(Minus the suspenders-wearing racist.)
Just set up my first Airport Extreme. Internet now feels approximately like this:
@jungshadow, just remember: the answer for each question is “c.” TRUST ME JUST DO IT
@murtaugh: Speaking for myself, I prefer a model similar to (moreso if it’d collapse onblur).
@murtaugh: I don’t have a problem with lightboxes, really (though the ubiquity sucks). Mostly grumpy about how inflexible most libraries are...
The next person to ask us to “please do a lightbox” gets this instead: is a @garrettdimon joint, thereby demanding your attention, respect, and free drinks the next time you two hang out.
There are days when “out for delivery” just isn’t enough. #afraidtoshower
@Brilliantcrank: Your mom said she’d drop one off after she picked up my dry cleaning. You wanted soy half-caff double-whip, right?
please baby jesus i would just like to have tim schafers children is that too much to ask ok thx i didnt think so
Reading about hsla() color notation, and wondering how the hell I missed it:
@cowpiesurprise: I’m glad I’m not the only one. Got about eight or so episodes into the first season before giving up.
@al3x’s post on TextMate is worth your time:
@simplebits: It’s not an overheard if you said it yourself. (Also, my deposit check’s in the mail, jerk.)


Scott Fegette Rod Begbie Andrew Crow Brian Oberkirch Mark Wubben Thomas Vander Wal Brian Del Vecchio Dan Cederholm Scott Andrew Lachlan Hardy Maxine Sherrin Keith Kitta Jeremy Keith Heilemann Hickensian Garrett Murray Richard Rutter Aaron Gustafson Drew McLellan Wilson Miner Derek Featherstone Simon Willison Leonard Josh Williams Snook timoni Garrett Dimon Simon Crowley Dan Rubin Mark Bixby Warren, Mr. Warren Jessica Andy Baio Ryan Irelan Christian Heilmann
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