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@CodingHorror - Check out our '08 Coding4Fun Holiday Gift Guide...lots of presents for you to greviously injure yourself -
HP support fail - they sent me a battery that doesn't work on my laptop.
CUTEness galore with the live puppycam stream -
@rutkas - Nice :)
1 hour on bike, then shower done, now eating and catching up on e-mail. Off to work to edit a video in a few.
@juanage - New company? Do tell
@nicfill - Do you have it in the office? I want to check it out :)
@longzheng - Since you'll be in Seattle, want to come visit us on This Week on Channel 9?
still catching up on email
Halloween party at wes's with @bgoldy & @briankel, now for some east side dennys
At LAX with @briankel, 8:30pm flight
Bean bag giveaway at Channel 9 and Coding4Fun lounge at 2:45PM. First come, first server #pdc2008
At suede bar with @haaked @shanselman @Brianpeek @crutkas Westin party #pdc2008
@danwaters @crutkas @Brianpeek at universal where is the afterparty
Drinking with @Brianpeek and andy + James at Westin bar
Woot done with Show Off, now onto counting votes and prepping for the Coding4Fun talk tomorrow #pdc2008
@BrianKel & I are hosting Show Off in 30 minutes. If you're at the convention center, come for the nachos, stay for the cool videos #pdc2008
Finally leaving c9 lounge


Dave McClure Dave Morin Molly E. Holzschlag brady forrest Jeffrey McManus Robert Scoble Marc Orchant Teresa Valdez Klein Jeff Barr Crystal Williams Silona Sriram Krishnan Jeff Sandquist Sarah Perez Joi Ito Nic Fillingham Michal Sampson Laura Foy Adam Kinney jas Jason Mauer Tim Heuer Angry Rabbit Brian Johnson Sean Alexander Nick Hodge Long Zheng Michael Arrington Prashant Sridharan Miguel de Icaza Betsy Aoki Gina Trapani lilich Chris Webb Brad Becker Aaron Brethorst
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