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So stinkin' hard to stay motivated to work on a Saturday. (At least on client work - I could spend all day on my pet projects.)
I just don't understand the hatred some folks have for country or bluegrass music around here.
Sweet - No Doubt in Rock Band next week:
@johnlindquist Yup. Pumpkin cookies are also helpful, but are more effective against the flu.
Hey CNN - thanks for putting breaking news at the top of the page. How about letting me click on it so I can read more than the headline?
Anybody have any info about the Flex Builder 3.0.2 PLUGIN (not standalone app) will ship?
Glad I was able to grab these before they pulled the downloads. Good stuff.
@chaseb gamertag is ghostRadio
@SunSparc is making the rest of us look bad today.
@joshtynjala That's what's confusing me. I've got 3.0.2, and can build FP10 stuff just fine, just no code-hinting for me.
huh. I'm doing some FP10 stuff, but not getting any code-hinting for some of the new stuff like Vector. Anyone else having the same problem?
Lunch at JCW, FTW.
So far I've done well at suppressing the iPhone lust. Though it's recently taken hold of me again the last couple of days. Must... resist...
Teething sucks. Daughter was up most of the night, thus I'm running on 3-4 hours of sleep.
@mdowney - Sorry to hear it, and hope things work out for the best for you.
BodyWorlds was awesome last night. Slightly creepy & gross - but still awesome.


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