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Grabbing a quick bite to eat between meetings.
Getting on my weekly call with @PeterBell. Probably going to be a short one today.
@burnsra Hey thanks. That's the first positive comment I've ever received for something done in Photoshop.
@chrishough My CS4 Master Collection install took a half hour. Maybe. It was quick!
@simonfree Yea, G had fun once he got into it. I think he enjoyed the huge fake reindeer more though.
Relishing the family time and no travel this month. Travel pics up in January with a visit to the big easy.
I'm SUPER excited about the Gators being in the national championship. I will not be available on January 8!
@webRat I LOVE my iPhone and recommend it to most everyone. But I don't have huge hands either.
@simonfree Right on, I'm glad I could help!
@simonfree It's kinda stupid but: The Power of 3: Flex 3, AS3, and MP3.
Aaron Daily Twitter Avatar December 7, 2008 -
@marcesher Yea, that video and what they describe and show is super cool. Is that stuff in CS4 though?
Trying to remember the name for the new Photoshop feature that can remove unwanted items from a picture. Like ppl in the frame.
Checking out the first few tracks of the new Killers record.
@myraferguson I've heard about those SD cards but I haven't seen one yet. Do you have one or know if they are good / worth it?
Back at home after seeing Santa with G and shopping at Best Buy.
Waiting in line for G's first time to see Santa. -
Grabbing lunch at Wendy's on our way to take G to see the big man. Big man = Santa.
@chrishough Which one did you have for four years? The Nikon 610?
@chrishough I'm taking a look at the Sony T700 now. Thanks for the recommend.


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