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Oh, and I'll be at a listener meeting in Hannover on Sunday. - just in case you're somewhere in the area
Aaaand the last one for today: Need to get some sleep, long train ride tomorrow.
@karlimann heheh, it's easier to read on the blog :)
And another one - click the image to comment:
Here's a look at the Inzigkofen abbey I photographed today: - this'll be a workshop location in fall 2009
@_chrisn_ really depends on your personal taste, the most important thing is to be consistent. I'm not always consistent either..
@kevingraham Probably won't have the time to do that, but have you tried @floyduk does a lot about LR
@liquidearth If you find a good way to do this in Aperture (I'm not really good with it) feel free to post it as a comment
@ravsitar spam? where? who? what?
@_chrisn_ but that might not work for others. others might want to go hierarchical. earth > europe > germany > tübingen > tf ......
@_chrisn_ I add as many keywords as it takes for me to be able to find my pics again. Usually 3-4, location, names of people, type of pic
My LR workflow #9: Make these tweets into a blog entry:
My LR workflow #8: Now AFTER deleting them, I add additional keywords to some of the pics (maybe a person's name or other detail)
My LR workflow #7: Set up a Smart Collection that shows all pics with 3 stars and matching keywords. Call it "TBWO" (To Be Worked On)
My LR workflow #6d: While rating the pics, I found some more to reject. All rated now.
My LR workflow #6c: shortcuts: keys 1-5 will rate, CAPS lock on gives you auto-advance again.
My LR workflow #6b: * = "hmm, not sure I wanna keep that", ** = "kinda good, needs work", *** = "high potential, I want to work on that!"
My LR workflow #6: Now that I'm left with only flagged images, I rate them with stars.


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