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a snow day would be really nice.
at school, not going home until all homework done
No power until friday
If u can read this, i hate u. (i have no power--posting from cell)
yay more sleep! boo driving to school on ice without abs!
yep, I blew off spanish. ah well, now I can get 2.5 hours of sleep!
yay other homework! </sarcasm> I'll probably blow off spanish
this lit essay is driving me crazy and despite what I do I'll still get an F.
Ligeia paper!
physics lab: finished. ethics assgn: finished. spanish test: going to fail. sleep: too little. this is stupid: yep, but it's 2:00 >:(
physics lab: finished. ethics assgn: finished. spanish test: going to fail. sleep: too little. this is stupid: very much so, but it's ...
pssht. sleep? who needs that?
I think my lab might actually be OK
aaaaah physics lab!!
I am going to fail this lab because I have absolutely no fucking idea what to do. Please help.
why the HELL were my physics lab notes in my history binder? it scared me half to death!
*hyperventilating* where is my physics lab stuff??????????????????????????????????????
holy shit my physics lab is due wednesday


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