Library of Congress >> MARC >> Bibliographic >> Appendix H >> 261

261 - Imprint Statement for Films (Pre-AACR 1 Revised) (NR)

MARC 21 Bibliographic - Local
February 1999

First Indicator
# - Undefined

Second Indicator
# - Undefined

Subfield Codes
$a - Producing company (R)
$b - Releasing company (R)
$d - Date of production, release, etc. (R)
$e - Contractual producer (R)
$f - Place of production, release, etc. (R)
$6 - Linkage (NR)
$8 - Field link and sequence number (R)


Used in the United States to support retrospective conversion of Pre-AACR 1 (revised) cataloging records. It was made obsolete in CAN/MARC in 1988. This field contains imprint information, including the statement of production and release for projected media. It is used only for cataloging of projected media created prior to AACR revised chapter 12 cataloging rules (which follow ISBD specifications). It may thus appear on records created before 1976 or on new retrospective records containing pre-1976 cataloging. For cataloging created since 1975, field 260 (Publication, Distribution, etc. (Imprint)) is used.




$a - Producing company
Name of the individual, company, or organization responsible for the work, either directly or as a sponsor. The producing company is defined as the organization or individual that exercises the immediate overall responsibility for the physical processes involved in making the audiovisual material. Subfield $a is repeated when two or more joint production companies are named and they are not joined by a phrase such as in cooperation with.
261 ##$aCoronet Films,$d1967.
261 ##$aEducation Development Center in association with National Film Board of Canada,$d1957.$bReleased by National Film Board of Canada,$d1959.
$b - Releasing company
Name of the releasing company (primary distributor) when the work is released by a company other than the producer. Subfield $b may include a place name, when it is embedded in the same phrase as the name of the releasing agent. When the same entity both contractually produced (made) and released the film, subfield $b is used.
261 ##$aArchers Film Productions,$fLondon,$d1947.$bReleased in the U.S. by Universal International Films,$d1948.
261 ##$aAssociation of Classroom Teachers.$bMade and released by National Education Association Publications Division,$d1972.
$d - Date of production, release, etc.
Date of release, production, or manufacture. The date can occur following any appropriate element of the production statement. Each occurrence of a date is contained in a separate subfield $d.
261 ##$aUnited States Coast Guard,$d1973.
261 ##$aHulton Educational Publication,$fLondon,$d1974,$bReleased in the U.S. by International Film Bureau,$d1971.
$e - Contractual producer
Name of the contractual producer when the work was made (but not released) by an individual or organization other than the sponsor. The name of the contractual producer is given following the phrase Made by.
261 ##$aBoulton-Hawker Films,$fHadley, Eng.$eMade by D.C. Chipperfield.$bReleased in the U.S. by International Film Bureau,$d1971.
$f - Place of production, release, etc.
City or country in which the main office of the producing and/or releasing company is located. A place name which is embedded in the same phrase as the name of the releasing company is recorded in subfield $b. If no place is given in this subfield, it is assumed to be the United States.
261 ##$aCanada Dept. of Agriculture.$fOttawa,$aand National Film Board of Canada,$d1971.
261 ##$aProduzioni europee associate.$fRome;$aArturo Gonzalez,$fMadrid;$aConstantin Film,$fMunich.$bReleased in the U.S. by United Artists Corp.,$d1957.
$6 - Linkage
See description of this subfield in Appendix A Control Subfields.
$8 - Field link and sequence number
See description of this subfield in Appendix A Control Subfields.


Punctuation - Field 261 ends with a period.


Field 262 $a converts to field 260 $b

Field 262 $b converts to field 260 $b

Field 262 $d converts to field 260 $c

Field 262 $e converts to field 260 $f

Field 262 $f converts to field 260 $a

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