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new Tay Zonday? Asian guy sings touch my body.
@ianmaffett thanks and congrats! AskANinja is back in the top podcasts on iTunes for 2008. :)
Why I love Top Gear UK: New fiest review includes beach assualt and blues brother mall chase.
@colette a puppy would be nice, but it would crimp my apt situation. :)
Stunning and beautiful 30 doc on the Wildlife of Detroit: Really well done, and gets beyond the cliches.
@bryanellitott1 yes exercise needs to get in there too. damn this health and maintenance.
okay, new goal, less red meat, plus add two fruits a day.
Another reason why proposing marriage is a dangerous proposition:
Thinking of my Papa who was a little hungover on a Sunday morning in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii working as a civilian Radar Tech 67 yrs ago today
Live Video chat with the ninja to celebrate Day of the Ninja at in five minutes. Stop by and ask a question!
Special Ninja Day sale at, one day only 50% all orders over $50, with the coupon code 'ninjaday08' at checkout
Um, a prescription handgun for the elderly & disabled: might've stopped this sitch
Nice to see everyone and meet some new peeps at the New Media Meetup.
@1timstreet sounds like all of my exes. :P
Okay, this is one of the coolest calendars ever: http://www.trophywifeimprov... support local improv and buy a calendar.
Feeling better today. Editing and being generally productive.
Coping with food poisoning. I undercooked a tritip. ugh.
the start of a bad movie: there are no acorns this year...
omg, the energizer bunny is 20yrs old:
Cool old skool exercise regimes from the RCAF: http://www.gettingfitagain.... free and downloadable.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams sara Jason Goldman Mary Hodder Brian Walsh Jason Cosper seanbonner Xeni Jardin May Woo Wayne Sutton Earnest Brad Barrish Joshua Kinberg David Ulevitch Ammon Casey Chris MacDonald Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Paul Terry Walhus Kathy Johnson Liz Dunn michael lambie tommy payne Camron Flanders Jason Ruby Scott Beale Kyle Ford Manuel Viloria Jim Kleckner Josh Bancroft Eric Christensen Chris Prakoso caleb
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