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Thinking I'd like to get a treadmill. Anyone local got a decent one they've been coincidentally thinking of selling for spare holiday cash?
You all, check it out: this is a news item about my inspiring & adorable young cousin who beat cancer this past year -
I'll just state for the record right now that when any of our cats die, I'll be holed up in my house sobbing for weeks. @mDave, so sorry.
Featured on Amazon's deals: Dremel for PET NAILS! I LOLed trying to picture using it on a cat. But I need not imagine:
@jimreams At least with it in your shirt pocket, you could still detect the vibration if the ringer was silenced:
@JohnWEllis Chicago in December is a perfectly fine place to be... as long as you stay indoors. Because you can eat pizza year-round.
@kimu It would probably be hard to get out of bed even without the flannel sheets. Not that I'm speaking from experience.
@driver49 You're putting out holiday decor today too, eh? Karsten strung lights outside yesterday, & we'll be finishing up inside today.
@Jammond Oh no! How did you sprain your ankle?
Oh no! Beer spill on the pool table. I'm sure it's not the first time this table's felt has been soaked with beer. :) - Photo: http://b...
Steph's going-away party - Photo:
Cold again. How is this possible? I'm sitting right under the heat vent in the kitchen. I have a big sweater on AND a scarf. But I'm cold.
Headed to West Nashville shopping center. Sure it's going to be insane, but there's crap we're running low on, so into the madness I go...
I hate showering when the house is this cold. Actually, no. Correction: I hate GETTING OUT of the shower when the house is this cold.
Trying out as a way to manage multiple social networks in one place (like FriendFeed) -
True love: on weekend mornings when I run the coffee grinder, I bunch my robe all around it to muffle the noise so I don't wake up Karsten.
@sleepydad No prob; sorry we missed you all! It was too cold for us to walk & driving would've been tough with parade traffic. Next time!
Swear I'm getting sick like every other day. This is highly weird &, believe me, even more tedious for me than for you, dear Twitter-reader.
Mm, milk stout. - Photo:
Headed to the Firefly geek social at Sam's, see you there?


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