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@markhibberd Yes, it would be interesting to see how well Azul's thread and memory (GC) management work. Amdahl's Law can't be avoided
@chriseppstein RT Try compass: ,,. thanks for the pointer, I'll let you know how I go with these CSS stylesheets
Trying various CSS templates, like BluePrint-CSS and Konstruktors CSS snippets, haven't found something I'm happy with. May have to D.I.Y.
@pbroviak I've picked up "Essential Blender" and "Introducing Character Animation ...", both are for my daughter who is the artistic one !
@wolfcat As long as I can get some 3D models to "blend", then I'll be happy. Blending books just sounds like hard work :)
@andrewjhumphrey Wow ! Congratulations ! Tiling, grouting, self-replicating organisms ... is there anything you can't do ?
Two Blender 3D books arrived via post, which will be fun to play with over the Xmas holidays. Interested in connecting devices to 3D models
RT @IBMResearch #smarterplanet ... Do chickens need GPS? ... Device sensors networks: "Are we there yet ?"
@benbalbo Corporate law has created legal entities that do not live and breath. These entities do not naturally put human interests first.
@benbalbo Over time, concepts of virtual economies (Second Life) with digital goods, services and personas will mature. Why not cartoons :)
@benbalbo Existing wealth is mostly 1's & 0's. Cartoon characters do talk/write. Create CG film of character signing power-of-attorney form.
@benbalbo When I catch up with my talented lawyer friend ... I'll ask him about the real legal rights of cartoon characters !
If cartoon characters are "legally" people .. ... can my drawing of a stick figure open a bank account or own property ?
Looks like the industry is relearning Seymour Cray's principles of a balanced computer architecture ...
@cakechris Stephen King's "Misery" highlights the dangers of authors driving into snow-filled ditches !
Beautiful evening for Carols in Canterbury Park - Photo:
@timoreilly Feynmann's quote about Science and Sex, could also apply to Software Development :)
@Kirstylodblogs IBM's #smarterplanet is one of the initiatives concerning #smartobjects ...
@Kirstylodblogs #smartobjects are connected devices (sensors / actuators) that have some independent operation and interact with the network
Play! 1.0 stable 4 released, includes a much more sophisticated example sample-forum, worth looking at ...


Jack Dorsey Jason Calacanis Giles Turnbull Christopher Savage peter renshaw Michael Specht Adrian McEwen Nigel Crawley Alex Payne Stephen Collins Paul Johnston Ben Ward Pete Yandell James Governor steve o'grady droo dogcow microformats Dale Lane Kevin Rose Jane McGonigal Joi Ito Philip Oakley Steve Rubel kml Simon Phipps John Resig Warlach Chris Pirillo Matthew J Stevens Cris Pearson Wendy Massimo Banzi Micah Sifry Brenda Wallace Andy Piper
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