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@Furyan We use a 4-3. You're likely to play every down, sir. Hope you got some speed.
@Furyan I expect only excellence in effort, perfection in persistence, and diligence in determination. SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT, SON.
@Furyan Both numbers taken. Well, the #24 guy is half-interested, so I guess you can have it. But #69 is taken for sure. You're #24, son.
@Furyan A shutdown cornerback. Also, what number you wanna wear?
@Furyan Already have 4 WRs and a TE. I gotta prioritize. And the smallest of them has the best hands (I try to base it somewhat on reality.)
@Furyan Then you won't mind if I use this info to assign you as an FSU CB in my PS2 custom-created team? Quik's on there as an LB. I'm a HB.
@Furyan Don't care for FSU, sir?
Read Chuck Klosterman's 2004 essay on nemeses & archenemies. Who are mine? Who are yours?
Cynicism is self-destruction. Skepticism is the foundation of self-fulfillment.
Goddamn, that's funny: http://fuckyoupenguin.blogs...
Digging on I observe, tho', that when the note is in German, the passive part tends to take a backseat, nicht?
@darthvader DV, lemme tell ya. it's getting so you can't afford mouse droids anymore.
"As with the other Porky's movies, Porky's Revenge was criticized for being long on sex and short on plot." Tell me about it, Wikipedia.
I need a clarification: am I the *swiffer* or the *swifferer*? This is giving my head think-ouchies.
I like to think of myself as aggressive-passive. I loudly let you live your life. ENJOY!!!
Nobody's judging you, dude; we're just making fun of you.
If a scary-looking dude in shades comes to your front door and asks if you're Sarah Connor, for the love of Pete, don't say "Yes." Trust me.
Don't you dare judge me! At least, not until I've contacted my attorney.
One cock says to the other as it's withdrawn from the vagina: "Fuck this; I'm out!"


President Monteiro Sandy John Gruber Jeffrey Zeldman Dean Cameron Allen Darth Vader Joshua Green Allen David Harper hotdogsladies Matt Haughey jay barnes Barack Obama Scott Simpson Adam Lisagor John Moltz Dooce Meghan Elizabeth jessikast keifel Kenneth Quinnell patrick_wilson You Look Nice Today T-Juice hodgman sk4p tantribe3000 Mjørk Bjüfus 'Larry King' Soupy Sales melnole Pat McAdams thovel1217 Furyan fakemerlinmann stubbornthings Nice Merlin