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@gideonstrumpet Magpie is an in stream advertising system on Twitter. You can read my comments about it at
Welcome to @AnalogueMan, my 1600th follower (until some spammers flee). Now, only about 40 updates till my 3000th
@bhartzer I'm currently unfollowing people that use Magpie.
@heddahfeddah The NH Register has changed its policy to require registration. That makes sense to me. Dropping comments doesn't
@outofit Thanks for the follow . Look forward to your future tweets and blog posts
@heddahfeddah We can always comment on Courant articles elsewhere. As to the snow, we've still got a nice covering
@professorkim Thanks. Didn't see the link the first time. Tried again, couldn't connect. Really appreciated your twittering it
(previous RT from @professorkim live blogging The Rev. Jeremiah Wright speaking at the 47th anniv. of TUCC)
RT - God said, "On this rock I will be my church." Not even the gates of Hell can stand in the way. Not ABC, CNN, Hannity or O'Reilly.
@professorkim Love the tweeting of a church service. Wish I could find the live stream
@Apollo3 I've been tagging EntreCard users in PeopleBrowsr, so I can follow a tag to see what that group does. You can add tags too.
Waking up very slowly on a snowy Sunday Morning in Connecticut
The EntreCard Twitter Fiasco: Yesterday, EntreCard announced a widget that would display tweets that anyo..
@liaboyd Thanks for the follow on Twitter. I like ping better than hellotxt. Will the FFLD/NH/Hartford/etc Advocate et al use twitter?
@StanHayes My post about EntreCard Twitter Fiasco is up
@inspire_emotion "retweeting" is resending a tweet, e.g. RT @anyone what is "retweeting"
@StanHayes The whole EntreCard Twitter Fiasco is astounding. I plan on writing more about it soon.
@jonathanpelto Good to see you on Twitter. I tweeted a little of the SEEC hearing yesterday. Also, want to follow up on your testimony.
@moneylovechange @astridiana Cute Puppy pics coming probably tomorrow. Also, HT @jcnork It is a Yankee Golden Doodle
"The Twitter Experiment-Get Involved" :-)


Biz Stone Evan Williams Steve Jenson Josh Kopelman Jerry Michalski danah boyd Mary Hodder Wayne Sutton Ross om Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Michael Parekh Paul Terry Walhus Trei Brundrett Scott Beale Luciano E. Guerche Dan Patterson Clay Johnson Karl Frisch Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Nancy Scola Meredith Zack Rosen Ruby Sinreich steveolson Dean Landsman Edward Vielmetti nicco mele Chris Brogan kristen crusius Whitney Hoffman Chuck Olsen Dave LaMorte Beth Kanter
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