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I hate it when the cable spontaneously reboots. Soo annoying.
Weekend flying by...sigh
Coming up for some internerd air - briefly.
Happy thanksgiving to all.
Thankful I dont have to go to the office tomorrow.
working on a saturday - le sigh.
@thesmitten Oh no! I just bought some of would have been so fortuitous if you had a lovely recipe!
@davidlebovitz I love bento boxes! I saw you on PBS last week -- and Pim too!
I'm starting to get hungry again.
I wonder if my possee is sitting in the rain?
Still at work - le sigh.
Woohoo touchdown!
I might be coming down with something - this is so not good.
Cake at 3:30! Birthday cake!!
@davidlebovitz this happened to me with my cars air compressor - a screw broke and there was "no way to replace it" except a new compressor
McCain supporters booing Obama- have some class people.
Looks like NC will end up red -sigh- very close. But overall a win- yes!
So sad that the CNN hologram doesn't look any better than Star wars'
off to Chinese and bourbon! GOBama!!!!


Stuart Krissa deb soufron Dooce Eden MarriottKennedy Jon Armstrong Cookie the Dog Aman Chaudhary Jennifer Hess Michael Dietsch meow_mix cindy_strouper jillallyn Babette-BakeSpaceCEO Jen Bell27560 davidlebovitz kubecraig Andi Szilagyi amy mopie Elise Bauer JasperTheStud Patty lastnightsdinnr paulhanna Laura Ingalls Wilder danlott cherylsandberg pbarnes26 cmbalsamo Kirby