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How do they make those catalog photos of puffed-out clothes with invisible people in them? That wigs me out.
I missed out on getting my free Macworld Expo pass. Plumb forgot and now it's too late. I can't even buy it w/ early bird pricing! ::sob::
@Slice: I like the word "burrizza" better
Going on a girly lunch date w/ MNBF @ Article Pract. Want to bring her a present but I've got no merch laying around! Bah.
So, nobody knows what this thing is for, but we're all joining anyway! Ha ha.
(If you're hacking up TwitterTools and wanna do testing to make sure it works, pretend you're just being chatty. Oh hey, look over there!)
The internets are overwhelming, I've barely done any knitting the past couple days. WP 2.7 is so nice I think I might start blogging again.
Installed a cute lil' audio player plugin for WordPress. Can't believe I didn't find a way to do that before. I was making people DOWNLOAD.
OMG Christina Stork from Article Pract is a big fan of my music and didn't know I'm a knitter. HELLO MY NEW BEST FRIEND
Uploading a bunch of my CC-licensed demos to the Podsafe Music Network. Johnny fuckin' appleseed.
Running WordPress 2.7 RC1, tweeting from dashboard w/ Twitter Tools. Too bad I overwrote the plugin and broke the styling changes I'd made.
I'm only the seventh Edith in Google! Isn't that special.
Love is: Holding out his arms and bobbling for me while I ball up a skein of yarn. :-)
Baffles me how somebody can remember pretty much everything we talked about @ last conversation, weeks ago. There was no note-taking either.
@s: Oh noes!! I'll miss you. (My delightfully anthropomorphized assistant-bot Sandy is quitting her job for graduate school or something...)
Last night @ the Ivy Room was pretty fun. Bumped into Weasel Walter, a fellow former Chicago scenester / musician. It's a small weird world.
Another day, another February Lady Sweater frogged. And I'm starting again, again. Grim determination or pointless masochism? Hard to say.
Alternate buttonhole-placement memory device: Women are right. Men are wrong (left).
How to remember which side the buttonholes go on: If the boyfriend is driving w/ gf as passenger, he should be able to look INTO her shirt.
OMG I've been BABBLING. I have to remember that every person I meet is not interviewing me for some music rag. Who says I can't listen? Uhhh


Harper maura Sandy Phineas CNN Breaking News WordPress Twitter bethanye Sadie karrie Slice the Pizza Blog Carol mike a Han Wang andrew graham Dwight K. Schrute Teapotgirl Melix m abmatic goh nakamura swatymyers eric_l_graf Jenn Frank meimaimaggio Cloud loplopisdead Sledd smthomas jtoth curryfavor Liz Dennis Myers Jolie Justus lindaray64 czarth