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Dear canvassers: I know my neighborhood is prime turf for progressive orgs, but I'm already giving and voting progressive.
@rwentechaney Not at this time ... with over 200 Moodle servers, I'm not sure how we can harvest that data in a sane manner.
@dhudgins Because I post to the sites from multiple places depending on what I'm doing.
And, of course, we now need to load Drupal 6.8. Sigh.
Bah ... I'm an idiot. Forgot we updated to D6.7. Was still editing the files in the D6.6 directory.
@ssnider yeah. All those disabled/off. Even have theme rebuild on every pageload enabled. Hence my frustration.
Drupal 6's overly-aggressive caching is pissing me off. Makes it really hard to develop themes when the updated CSS doesn't show.
@bobbymcelver Whoa! Cool. Time to order another cup!
@dhudgins Feet don't fail me now! No way my car is leaving my driveway. Tri-Met Limo service for the WIN!
Yeargh! The bathrooms at Chance of Rain on Hawthorne are FREEZING!
@ccassinelli I can't take credit - it's all due to the amazing students and staff in Corvallis.
@dhudgins Aww, come on out! The snowpocalypse is great fun!
@kees yeah, my FB hasn't updated since yesterday
@smb Hmm ... might be tempted to do that
Egads, MacPorts pulls down a lot of stuff just to install git. SSH? Umm, already have it. Why are you downloading it again?
Installing git on my laptop. How the hell did I go this long without it on here?
Wishing there was an version of TwitterFox
RT @osuosl: OSL named one of the top ten cool university networking labs Woohoo! :-)


Greg Stein Scott Kveton Chris DiBona Audrey BBC Technology BryanL The Rubyist Corey the Sysop Alex Polvi Justin Gallardo Raven Zachary Dawn Foster Barack Obama Narayan Newton Michael Burns Brandon Philips Alex Buchanan Michael Marineau Matt Westgate andrew Wil Wheaton Rick Turoczy Christel Dahlskjaer Allyson Lazar Doug Symington Ross Turk Angie The Oregonian Marie Deatherage O'Reilly OSCON Sean Jake Kuramoto Jeff Waugh Monica Marlo Lennon Day-Reynolds TriMet NPR Politics
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