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@flybabymoni I'm not saying I don't read all of them, but I do it from email. It's the managing of them that is difficult.
@pigactor oh that's good... "The RIGHT kind of Saul"
Building a tech/marketing press list. Anyone have a few good contacts I can add?
@EATerrell and everyone is FINALLY happy. ;-)
@donbonaddio ahhh... I got ya. That makes sense, but doesn't clean up my DM's.
@donbonaddio @chrisfaulkner @AliAkbar I currently have 421 DM's. Most are auto responses for new follows.
@donbonaddio if you saw my DM stream you would feel differently. "Thanks for the follow" is what most of my DM's are.
@AliAkbar @chrisfaulkner my biggest problem is #1... can't mass delete. No organization.
I am SOOO with @Scobleizer on this one. Twitter DM's suck!
@EATerrell server should be under control now. :-)
@curtmercadante I'll get started on a site tonight. Did you get the domain?
@EATerrell all of our servers are currently down. :-(
RT @curtmercadante: #CCI Facebook page up...please join: #TCOT
@curtmercadante well, wouldn't the event be in 2009 though?
@curtmercadante Let me know on the website... I can put something toether and hist it as well. Have plenty of space.
RT @curtmercadante: All conservatives invited. Celebration of our shared principles. Media event. Outside the Beltway. #TCOT #CCI
@curtmercadante heck yeah dude! Count me in. #dontgo is planning something big for that day as well. #CCI #TCOT


Biz Stone Evan Williams Gary Elliott veen Buzz Andersen Chris Jones Wayne Sutton Mojo Denbow Clay Smith Jordy Mont-Reynaud Chris MacDonald Dobromir Hadzhiev Jonathan Greene Paul Terry Walhus sonson Martin Hall Scott Beale Tammy Green Lynn Wallenstein Chris Prakoso Mike Carvalho Clay Johnson Randy Dave Winer Jason Calacanis George Brett biverson Nancy Scola Daniel Johnson, Jr. Angelique Mike Russ Thornton bobcat rock Chaitanya Sagar Mike Manuel CREATIVOICES PRODUCT
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