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Greetings from the Director for Cataloging

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NAS study and 2 articles from the LC staff Gazette

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Bicentennial Conference  on 
	Bibliographic Control for the New Millenium: Confronting the Challenges of Networked 
	Resources and the Web
sponsored by the Library of Congress Cataloging Directorate Beacher Wiggins

Greetings from the
Director for Cataloging,
Beacher J.E. Wiggins

"Welcome to our Web site! We in the Cataloging Directorate of the Library of Congress are keenly excited about our upcoming Bicentennial Conference. As you will see from the information contained here, we view this event as a timely and important one that will focus on bringing bibliographic control to a burgeoning body of information in a volatile format. You are invited for return visits to our site in the intervening months until the conference is convened in November."

"We will update information on the site to keep members of interested communities apprised of our plans. As the papers for the six sessions are mounted, we are especially interested in receiving your comments, which we will use as part of our deliberations at the conference as the attendees strategize on next steps. We will be establishing an electronic discussion list to provide you with an opportunity for input and to comment on the views of others. Please spread the word about our Web site and revisit it often in the coming months and help us tackle this challenging area of bibliographic control."

Library of Congress
March 7, 2000
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