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Seems like Google could crank out that Instapaper-esque feature in an afternoon of 20%time, no?
Is there a bookmarlet that allows me to add things to my GReader Starred list that were not discovered via GReader?
Does Brita make a device that lives below one's kitchen sink rather than cluterring the visible portion?
He may no longer have his own show but Rocco DiSpirito is the hardest working man in reality TV. Is there a gig this guy won't do?
Not to harp on again but a text at 1:31PM does me no good. I've already made my umbrella commitment by then!
@dolapo Any features I should be aware of or is it mostly cosmetic?
Apparently not. Here are the details on the GReader redesign:
Google Reader Redesign... is this old news?
@falameufilho You get the competitive nature of sports +first person shooter rolled into one. Whether it's executed well is another thi ......
There should be a name for the bittersweet validation u get seeing something launch that you pitched to a client who went w/ someone else.
@seanaes Ilost about 30 minutes of my life wrestling with Google's stupid calendar permissions and then gave up. MobileMe will have to do.
Ca't help but keep saying "Saxby" to myself today. Saxby! Saxby! Saxby! (maybe it's out of my system now)... Saxby!
@ black and white! Post work catch up drinks with @kkearney
Imagine if Android had launched on a device like the N97.
@teradome Wow. Just saw that too.
Why don't the calendars Iadd to gCal list me as the owner by default?! They're showing up as locked in the new iCal/gCal collaboration tool
N97 looks like an excellent piece of hardware. My only problem is, hardware didn't seem to be a major pain point. Need to see it in action.
Want a great getting-work-done record? Check out Dj/Rupture's Uproot.
@betobeto ugh. I've feared the same thing many times. I honesty don't want to think about it.


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