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Been talking about it forever: finally cut the cord with Comcast. We're going full-on Mac Mini media center and all-internet media delivery.
@KatArmstrong Well... I did just break down and order some stuff from Amazon. But still... from the comfort of my own home and all that. :)
Perfect "Black Friday." Quiet and moody on the beach. Leftover turkey and mashed potatoes. Contented cats. New free iPhone apps. No malls.
Checking out a bunch of free iPhone apps from this page: Most of them one-day-only deals.
This post by Seth is particularly spot-on: Newspapers have lost their way. They just don't know how to compete online.
So they're throwing Palin under the Straight Talk Express. Must be hoping no one will remember that it's McCain who chose her for the job.
President-Elect Barack Obama. Awesome.
OH: Farewell to the commercials!
Alki voting place is busy. Steady stream of peeps at 7:20am. Louise is inside. I voted by mail yesterday. People seem upbeat. Morning types.
The moment just kind of sunk in for me. Today we vote, and-just maybe-we start to make a change for the better. Do your duty, citizens. Vote
Cleaning up my tags. Oh, the excitement.
@davidgeller Dang...Lala looks very interesting. I could buy 130 web songs per month for what I'm paying to Rhapsody. Might have to try it.
So, apparently I can give away a Boxee invite or two. D me if you want one.
1 hour and 47 mins of troubleshooting later, I've remotely diagnosed and fixed my mom's wireless connection issues. Google FTW!
Did the BBC 4 logo just give me the finger!?
Left my iPhone in the car when my wife dropped me off. Quelle horreur! Must rely on MBP for net access No interstitial infotainment for me!
On our way to the UK! Finally! I thought this vacation would never get here. See you on the other side of the pond, Twitterverse..
Have to call a couple of great candidates and tell them they didn't get the job. I hate that. Wish I could hire everyone.
@chrispirillo Ginger pills actually work great for me. I take 4 of them 2 hours prior to my trip and then 2 every hour. Enjoy the ride!
This sucks: "Podcaster rejected from App Store because it duplicates itunes functionality." See (RT @iPhonePodcaster)


ario Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Scott Beale Josh Bancroft Dave Winer Jason Calacanis randy stewart brady forrest Beth Kanter Beth Mark Bao Bre Pettis Lee LeFever  Chris Heuer Sandy Michael Lehman Ted Leung photomatt Alberto Lopez Teresa Valdez Klein Nancy White Leif Hansen Ryan Hoffman Jeff Barr Hugh MacLeod Joshua Maher Christian Burns Bryan Zug CNN Breaking News Deepak Steven Fisher Michael W. Geoghegan John Edwards Tris Hussey Todd Martini
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