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@camikaos See, it's entirely your fault for not having a better class of garbage. ;)
Arrive at CubeSpace to find @EvaCatHerder trying to figure out how to hook up RockBand. Think we may have lost her for the week.
@EvaCatHerder Not sure I approve of my wife going to 'ho'.
@EvaCatHerder imbibing yet. Didn't realize that was an option. Why don't I get started
Frustrated by on again/off again internet. 2 nights running. Feels like Interet is sundowning.
@camikaos Or maple syrup. Really trust me on this one.
Just realized I haven't had any coffee yet today and have wedding meeting in 1 hour. Rectifying the former.
@Ratsnhats Have a happy birthday. Unless it was the pierogies which case...well...nevermind.
If you receive a text message with no text in it, is it still a text message? #koanoftheday
@leighwalton To the pub! (oh, wasn't that a toast?)
Did you know that if you write an email it just sits there if you don't hit the send button? Do I have to do everything myself?
In midst of 11 straight hours of being only staff at CubeSpace. Might be getting punchy. Tweets may get amusing. Might be intended. Or not.
Berry Black tea on top of peanut butter crackers? A little weird. On the other hand, so am I.
Brain still foggy. Going to try application of caffeine.
Trying to convince myself I'm awake. Not succeeding. But at CubeSpace.
Trying to recover from #cyborgcamp yesterday. Brain so foggy. Also, so very dark outside.
I just joined the Twitter Group and you can too. Please Retweet.
@msamye But we won't tell Trekkie Monster that.


Josh Bancroft Jacob Reiff Audrey Reid Beels Don Park Darth Vader Chris Brentano Betsy Richter Ed Borasky Nabil Maynard Aaron Hockley B. Hussein Fishbones Dawn Foster dietrich ayala Jordan Schwartz Wilhelm Fitzpatrick AdamD Carolynn Duncan Dave Camp Robin Catesby Rick Turoczy lynnette fusilier Amye Scavarda J-P Voilleque Isaac Szymanczyk Nate Angell Mark Colman Jason Grigsby Sam Keen ben hengst James M. Helms Robert Eickmann Jamie Chvotkin DreamHost Status Schwern Selena Deckelmann
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