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@djtv you know what I say to that? Learn how to bake and make your *own* damned gingersnaps, you ungrateful whippersnapper! (hee)
Over 85% of registered Oregon voters voted in recent election. Hooray for us!
@djtv yes, I am. But kid & I just had 15 minute convo - more than I get out of him these days, so it's good even tho he rejected cookies
Ugh - teen rejected cookie 'cause he could tell there was something 'different' in it; but would have ok-ed the stuff *I* wanted to add.
sssshhhh.....don't tell teen that I muxed with the cookies. Subbed in almond meal instead of flour. Could have been 'worse' - ww flour
@ahockley the funny thing? they are *NOT* for him, and I've made that clear.
Will be making oatmeal cookies shortly. Have been given strict instructions by teen about acceptable add-ins, items to leave out. Uhh, yeah
@justinkistner yes, I am. just had to make some mods to a single file in order to make it work; did this at least six plus months ago.
@justinkistner from what co to what co? I'm running it on MediaTemple, fyi....
@mizd I'm betting you'll be welcome with open arms should you bring food/drink contributions.
@bobuva that's why they made TiVo - I'm recording the game & will catch it after Beer & Blog...
Pandora Nine Inch Nails station streaming loudly. Peanut butter/pumpkin butter sandwich at the ready. Commence documentation review!
@keswold the whole point of going dark at home? No updates, dude....
can't get any work done at work. need to go home, blast loud music, and not respond to email/IMs/in person requests for convos.
OurPDX monthly meetups - moving from Wed to Tues. Why?
@TiEsQue @chrisorourke and I get to the main page even after I've logged in; can't find map
@cecivirtue we missed you! get better soon, will you?


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