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At the hi-spot, charging up with hot chocolate after big sledding session.
Just pulled out Thai eggrolls from deep freeze for snowy day snacking!
@omarshahine for someone who grew up in manhattan, you are useless for getting around there.
@askrom: Just the clock gets reset at midnight on the 1st of the month, you start with zero. It's not "new unique per month", as you imply.
@askrom: months have different # of days. So, UU for Feb is total amount of visits over 28 days, Mar is 31. So, Mar tends to be higher.
@askrom: the standard measure for independent ratings services, like nielsen, is UU per month. So, Feb number is always smaller than Mar.
Writing code against a deadline, on 4th cup of coffee, listening to The Strokes on 11.
The bar just opened at chez Connolly. Let the feasting commence.
Lunch at tat's!
Out on the town with dad Connolly and rest of Connolly crew.
Saturday night: cleaning baby bottles, sipping a gin and tonic.
Wasabi bistro.
Dj john in the morning will have all of Seattle crying by the time they get to work today.
At Machiavelli's, with monica and a little vino rosa de la casa.
NPR reports that Obama wins Pennsylvania.
Thank you @jayfluegel!
Line at the polls snakes all the way through the elementary school hallways. Usually deserted.
I can't wait to vote tomorrow morning, then sit around all day being nervous enough to vomit.
At eagles - seahawks game!
Dressed up all fancy at a charity auction; trying to not buy something dumb when at my drunkest.