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the latest picture of Roxie, my new puppy lab! I should get possession of her tomorrow...
looks like Cypres is opening tomorrow. My excitment level is pretty high: Olympics, Ski season & the new Puppy coming!
the 2010 ticket system is screwed.. after 3 attempts, wasting a morning, no confirmation, according to visa Ipurchased11k of hockey tickets!
the vancouver 2010 tickets selection system & priority sales is FUBAR, stuck in a virtual waiting room! Frustrating and innefective!
Awesome, the Raincity Studios team won the award for the best company blog at the 604 Awards!
@kk how about urban media center
Having some food and drinks at the Raincity HQ.. Come on by if you wish
@Olympicreporter we would love to talk to them, what do you need from us to hook it up?
just went shopping for the office xmas party and we stocked the fridge with food and booze.. oh and Igot us a new foozball table !
What is your Twitter Rank? Mine is 143 (This has been a bit of a contreversy on the net, read disclaimer B4 signing in)
Up and about, for some reason my phone rang all night! RCS staff party this evening, once again juggling a double schedule most of the day!
the new redesign is starting to look pretty good. I like what is being done.. see for yourseves:
TWEETDECK group rock! helps me manage almost 800 contacts, I find this a great way to organize my conversations! Great suggestion @kk
@TofflerAnn ping from vancouver, it's snowing in mtns. T minus 3 day before i get my pup! hope you are well in cold SH, sending warm hugs!
@Olympicreporter are you writing a piece on the ticket lottery and assignment? what are people emailing you mostly about ? I did win some!
@jennmae funny i just had some food at the revel around 7ish.. guess we just missed each other ! hope you are well babes!
Just overheard: "oh my god the opening ceremonies for 2010 olympics are gonna be sick, I'll have to wear diapers cos I'll shit my pants"
Hanging at the revel room drinking a ceasar and having mini burgers! Fun... I just saw the intro to red alert command n conquer & looked A+
Looks like I won 4 tickets to the women bronze for 2010.. Also rights to buy more from the 12th! Fun but far from my 15k order!
anyone out there knows ZEN Cart / drupal very well? We could use an expert for a few projects. Ping me


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Nick Douglas Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Paul Terry Walhus dakota smith Jeremy Hubert Scott Beale Aubrey Sabala Cameron Walters Elliott Ng Dan Cederholm Sooz James Walker randy stewart Alex Hillman Aaron Schaap Ben Brown Colin Brumelle drew olanoff Rob Cottingham Boris Mann Kuanyin Moi Keith dana j. robinson MJ Tantek Çelik Mark Bao Bre Pettis Lee LeFever Rich Orris Derek Featherstone Howard Greenstein
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