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@murgee Going is moreso. Are you?
@murgee mac mini is good on the boxee. Plus wifi = "it just works"
@gruber I think of that as the "yup, NTP still works" monitor
I dunno... is my contemplation of using Expect for a project a sign that the project is bogus and/or heinous and therefore not worth doing?
Well, we're really going out with a BANG in tonight's class. /stabme
I don't know who named this font "Impact", but I wish they'd thought that through a little.
Sad fact: Blu-ray only makes the picture awesome. It does woefully little for the movie itself.
Post-Thanksgiving chili. Righteous.
nomin' a sammich
I have that godforsaken hook from "Single Ladies" by Beyonce stuck all up in muh head. Wheeeeeeee!
getting my Groove Salad on
tired of MBP not restarting when there are Software Updates. holding down the power button is so Wintel.
"Rats have eaten the fiber network connection in Scates Hall."
short week, but with more to do than a normal sized week.
@yakk0dotorg it's easy, you can do it. You have a jackhammer and caulk gun, right?
The vet office smells *fascinating* according to my dogs
I'm "willing also to seize this opportunity that we have to progress this nation together, in a united front"
three exams, two projects, two presentations, and thirteen more class meetings to go. patience.
Time to walk all the HSMSC pooches! Wooooo!


Dick Hardt John Gruber Jeremy Dennis Chad Fowler Kelly Jeanne Fowler Jeff Atwood Nick boxee Stephen Granade murgee Alicia Buford 3onyourside