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@snoble the fastest way to understand something (for me at least) is usually to accept it, and wait for it to fall into place later.
@mischali what's in the land of the Finns?
@matasar Skype-out calls used to come from 00000
@TrustTommy haven't heard the result, but have heard that you rocked -- congrats!
Whatever happens, this recession won't be as bad as previous ones -- we've got Alive 2007.
@briancollins alias ssh="osascript -e 'tell app \"Terminal\" to set background color of first window to \"red\"'; ssh"
is with the republicans on this one
@jonathanehrlich you need rage against the machine
@cputney I made the opposite transition today
@snoble I know the guy who has
Has anyone tried symlinking ~/Library/Mail to ~/Dropbox/Mail? Tempted.
@Kever your RSS feed is password protected; I had to unsubscribe
@matasar simple HTML view still mostly works though
@matasar ok, so it's not just me
is thankful @briancollins's algorithm wasn't responsible for humanity's evolution
The TSA has about the same number of employees as Apple and Google put together.


Chris Sacca Kulveer Harjeet Pat Avi Bryant John Gruber Luke Andrews Damien Mulley John Siracusa paul Steven H. Noble Conor O'Neill Conn O Muineachain Limerick Blogger Greg Pfeil jonathan ehrlich Daniel Ha Jessica Mah John Collison Clay Shirky dick costolo Olivia Kiely Ariadne Smith Dan Udey yeahphil Ross Boucher bazzers mc bazzatron Ben Matasar dervalah Tommy Collison walshmichael Kever deniscollison Ankur Nagpal Francisco Tolmasky NiallHarbison