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@kelownagurl what you don't like the swimsuit issue?
oh yea.. did I mention? 13 Weeks To A Healthier You! c'mon, you know you want to.
@cyberpenguin thanks, I will get there eventually. Thanks on the logo, worked on it most of last night.
oh yea.. did I mention? 13 Weeks To A Healthier You! c'mon, you know you want to.
Okay, we have made it to the last work day of he week. Wheeeeew. Now, Let's get this work day over with and start the weekend.
!3 Weeks To A Healthier You!
@cyberpenguin I would not say normal, but getting better. I still have a little ways to go.
Came home and who should I see but grandson. So now I ask, twitter/grandson, grandson/twitter? Hmmmm grandson it is.
@MoneyMatters it is reported that Laporte, Indiana has the lowest in the nation @ $1.24.
@scotters I feel for you man, I have issues with headache all the time, some to the extent of migraines. ( ; (
@just_finish we can do that too, I think that would be great. Thanks, I will touch bases w/ you later this evening when I get home.
13 Weeks To A Healthier You. Look for an added challenge this evening for those wanting to begin running.
@TheImageMaker so I am going to make it a two part challenge and have a run challenge as well to be able to run a 5k in 13 weeks.
@TheImageMaker yes, I have been thinking about it all day. There are those who do not need to loose weight but want to get in shape as well.
@newswiseguy really I see it as a pretty simple tool to use.
13 Weeks To A Healthier You.
RT 13 Weeks To A Healthier You.
@kelownagurl Thanks, It will be fun.


Chris Brogan Brian Clark michael b blubrry Tim Wilson Cliff Ravenscraft Steve Spinks Justin Walters David Peach Rick Abbott Health Darren Rowse Gordon Scott Scott Williams Shelly Steve Dalton Gabe Taviano Mark Driscoll Lincoln Adams Maki Bob McWilliams NRSC Rick Stilwell BNO News Kitzzy Aviles Maddy Hubbard CEO -Tony MyMileMarker Southwest Airlines Scott Kuhn Marshall cyberpenguin The Amazing Hip NCN DrDeb10
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