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True story from LA: friend's fast food opening delayed 2 weeks because they sell beer and don't have a urinal. Nice pro-economy policy, eh?
Top dogpile link is "how to put on chains" I assume it is a driving in snow reference not a post Obama election commentary ☺ #tcot
@JonHenke Wasnt that something like the 2005 highway bill? Had something like 3000 earmarks?
@RobertBluey Will he wear a red suit, and deliver using a sled with 8 reindeer? I look forward to a couple million on my stocking #tcot
Ugh, 15 minutes until meeting with a company rep to let him know we are going to use their competitors product. I hate these.
Weekend away from the Internet and news. So what stupidity did I miss? Oh look an Auto bailout, who saw that coming *sigh*
Time to go pick up Precious, the golden retriever we were raising for SE guidedogs, so exciting! They already registered her as therapy dog
How long until California passes a law making it illegal to move out of the state? Taxpayer flight must be stopped somehow #tcot
@jgeraghty Re: latest post - not constitutionally illiterate, constitutionally apathetic
@jgeraghty Aren't you the media superstar this week! ☺ good times!
Time needs to figure out how Obama won't be person of the year for the next 4 years. Talk about irrelavent
Electron flux is measured in electrons/cm2/sr/second ... Who knew?
@sanuzis Look what the Obama campaign did to McCain healthcare proposal when the lie was not refuted
@sanuzis I think the blueprint needs to discuss brand management. Gopnn can get around media, but lies must be countered directly
@sanuzis Quality Inn should be sued for deceptive marketing and forced to rename to Inferior Inn
Another year of not watching football. Why did I buy the big screen TV again?
@sanuzis Great blueprint, Saul. Hope others candidates read it. Outreach part is great and was our problem after 94. #rncchair
@ewerickson 20 from 1000 emails is a pretty good return, Erick. Not sure if you were being sarcastic, but you should be proud of that
@Radioblogger With all those tweets, remind me why we need the radio?
@kenblackwell You were pretty strong for Steele on the NR cruise, why did you jump into race too? Just curious #rncchair


Erick Erickson James Lileks Patrick Ruffini RedState Rob Bluey Jon Henke Brian Faughnan Soren Dayton Fred Thompson Doug Welch Todd Lohenry Bronwen Saul Anuzis Rob Macomber Steve Eggleston keepthatfaith Ben Domenech Hugh Hewitt jimgeraghty Dan Gainor American Solutions Mark Kilmer kevinholtsberry from Hugh RobGodfrey RealPolitix rcpblog David_Freddoso Scott Graves Katon Dawson NobamaNo Atom Ramsey Jim W David A Hinz derrickcarlisle EdMorrissey