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Watching the National Dog Show before Thanksgiving dinner.
"I am Vorenus and I will kick your ass with a stern expression." Rachel wrote that and I've been laughing ever since.
@Sted_Man You needed the roughage to help with the wine cork. Court summons makes for good poop.
Getting ready to go to Austin. I will east really good food tonight and sleep on a big cloud of impossibly fluffy pillows - all expensed.
@Sted_Man Dude, that's gonna hurt coming out.
Oh yeah baby, vanilla caramel coffee with Italian Sweet Creme. I am flyin'.
@physicsgeek Nahhh. You just haven't found the right creamer. :)
@physicsgeek That confirms my theory: tea sucks. Try coffee. With Italian sweet creme. ;)
Looking forward to baseball this weekend - always the best.
@dogette Yes, this is an emergency now. I could've gone grocery shopping today, but that would've been far too easy. I must crisis-manage.
I'm out of coffee this morning. This bodes ill
@physicsgeek I read it this morning. Like I tweeted last night, I'm most worried about Israel at this point.
@kitlange He looked mighty smug to me last night during his victory speech. I mean, not just a little - the EPITOME of smug.
Never underestimate the stupidity of people in large groups...especially on election day.
John Murtha was right about his constituents - they ARE morons. They re-elected that fat bastard - AGAIN - in a landslide. Dumbasses.
@kitlange Me, I'm mulling a Texas Secessionist Party
Now that the Election is over, it's time for some serious worry about Israel.
@teresahummel I spent time tinkering around with facebook tonight too - haven't touched it previously. Just trying to stay busy.
@teresahummel Bailey's is my drink of choice tonight. Smooth and sweet so I don't get ugly and mean. ;)


Kit Lange Physics Geek Erica BaseballNation Chris rachellucas sunnylucas teresahummel dogette Dogliness Sted_Man maggielucas