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@sugarrae argh, wanna comment from the blackberry, but logging in is killing me
@gaywollf @LisaBarone (bump up) for her blog heeh
get coffee and go to install, good luck with the ants honey
hmm, clean up ants then get coffee? or get coffee then go to my install
bedtime, that wonderful state of bliss from not thinking..its the only way to quite my brain chatter
k, is my intel premium dual core t2390 actually 2 cpus? i'm feeling like an idiot right now..
@jdevalk a plugin that automatically wrote posts of substance :)
k, i found this im running at 55C, can go up to 100c? wow that's boiling
how do i find what my max cpu temp can be before it shuts down?
there is no spoon
k, managed to get laptop back up and running, prolly a fan failure causing it to overheat..
@netmeg shall i DM you my address to mail me some? chocolate chip is my favorite
dang, fan noise yesterday led to unexpected shutdown today, friggin frackin flandangled fan
@LisaBarone put on some warm comfy socks and curl up with a good book and a hot cup of cocoa, its really a no-brainer..
@g1smd i kind of like that site's layout :P
all work and no play makes jake a dull boy
sigh, on my wall to the mall to get presents, don't know what to get wife or kid, maybe some coal, compressed for the wife, chalk for kid
sure would like more followers than following, almost had it, but twitter deleted some accounts as i don't image making anyone angry


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