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Nothing worse than coming home from the dentist with a mouth full of novacaine. No phone time until it wears off.
Shit. There is an rcjordan. But not the one I was hoping for.
@streko I'm wondering who could be next? @rcjordan?
@sugarrae Holy crap. @pmacseo is on Twitter? Has hell frozen over? :)
RT @DeannadeBara: hello twitter friends. does anyone live in the austin area?
Really need wireless headphones. Constantly running over the cord with my chair and shorting out one ear.
@streko Dude, don't ever throw out a challenge to hackers. That never ends well... :(
@melaniephung The sad thing is I'm getting to the point where I'm willing to cave in to that concept.
@audette Yea, everytine I wonder where someone I've always followed has been, I check and I'm no longer following them. Drives me nuts.
Wondering why Twitter magically unfollows people for me?
@jason66 It doesn't look like they have posted the dates yet, but I believe it is around the same time as last year.
@coplandmj Well now I have to gto for sure.
@graywolf I am so shocked to learn the dream car of my youth came stock with only 180 hp. :(
@lucasng you are not the first Aussie to extend such offers of hospitality. :) I'm definitely going to try and go.
@BrentDPayne I need a shirt that orange. It would go great with the beard.
@graywolf re: Ted Leonis That was seriously the most fucking retarded thing I've read in a very long time.
@AdamJewell Finally. Welcome to the avatar world. :)
@oilman He wasn't dodging. He just did such a shitty job, and was such a drunk asshole in the bar he never got asked back.
RT @tonyadam: Updated my blogroll, hope I didn't miss anyone!
Thinking about doing SMX Australia this year. Which reminds me.. Where the hell has @aussiewebmaster been? he scares me when he goes quite.