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wish I'd never started reading the Twilight Saga
is cast free! But will miss Jamie very much
had a huge fight with my pa... over Leonard Cohen of all things
my babies are 2 weeks old today
Joe and Evangeline are one week old today!
@JasonLewin I guess that will come... I have 5 day old twins... Sleep is a myth.
@JasonLewin two kids? try five :D
staring at my 3 day old children. And found my missing book. Lofe is great.
new babies smell GREAT
12/05/08 score for katcav: Reach=149,077, Rank=#5,992
will be taking my babies home today!
watching my new little babies sleep.... it's magical
My gut is feeling better.
Quote from the BBC "Sarah Palin wearing Moose Leather... Is there such a thing as Moose Leather?"
DAMN Georgia.
@derekamerican and buy guy, I of course mean gut. DAMMIT. Nerves. EEK!
@derekamerican my guy WANTS to believe you. It's scary.
@ajeanne Thank you :) I'm just super nervous.... it's gone wrong too mny times :(
My gut is telling me McCain can take this. Please tell my gut it is wrong :(