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Just got the last parts for the CNC machine. Now, to carve up this pretty metal..
@jcroft try El Indio, local mexican place.. there's some good falafeley places in town, too. prepare for grunge, though.. it's gainesville.
Getting to the point of having watched certain cinematics at least a thousand times.
crashing. long, productive day, though.
registering for a half-dozen disparate networks, in order to contact one member of each. bloody walled gardens.
@vmware: lighten up. I shouldn't have to downgrade for improvements in speed, stability.
so Songbird was about thrice as heavy on the memory as iTunes.. kind of saddening. Censored.. but that's how it goes. Making things free, because I love them.
working through some X... Minus... One.. <rocket sound effects> I never catch these things until they hit Make.. rapid prototyping with paper and glue at ~1/40th of normal cost.
*not* going to watch election coverage, reading Transmetropolitan from #13 on. Should be more entertaining, and less depressing.
Voted. Loved that little marriage amendment. Glad for the clear language on everything, too.
Wondering why almost every cad package I use ends up with graphical glitches. Feels like the software is constantly nodding off.
Up and starting the caffeine drip early. May productivity follow soon hereafter.
Hulu needs to understand that if they run the same infuriatingly inane ad, at every break, every show in a series, people WILL just torr ...
napkin calcs are depressing. square one is a dump.
@jcroft You're in Florida. Weird is normal here.. Just, y'know, roll with it.
glass screen on a laptop, LOL.


Lane Mr Messina Scott Beale Josh Bancroft Glenda Lisa McMillan Robert S Andersen Veronica Belmont Hickensian Brett Elliff Bre Pettis peter renshaw luxuryluke Luke L ivanoats Sam Harrelson Jeff Croft WP Twit Plugin Jason Santa Maria Stuart Brown Kenny Saunders d woolverton Darice rrvroegop Yohannes Wijaya aleksmaksimow whatev Adaptive Path Steve Jobs Matt McInerney Gomez Greg Turner RareEdge photogamer Christian