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A lovely day of hacking at NYCR -
WooHoo!! @hoeken just showed up, and I think he's on some kind of uppers... he's very hyper. Riding that white donkey maybe?
It's cold & lonely at NYCR... @nickbilton is here all alone, hacking away with some XBEE's listening to David Bowie
@openfly Yep. We have already had one intern (the Austrian).
FYI: NYCResistor now has a LAZZZERRR! Check out to see how you can get access to laser etch and make things.
watching @hoeken teach a intro to Arduino 102 class... lots of eager students listening and asking great questions.
Ohhh yeah, it's about that time, to partay! Party at NYCR tonight at 9 p.m., booze, art and more booze!
We all just wrapped up our HOPE talk. Went really well!! Great questions, great audience. Woo hoo!
Lots of new blog posts today at - Arduino, XBEE and Processing (proce55ing)
pants status: @bre has none! @nickbilton put them on ebay! (Oh, and @ericskiff milkshake brings all the girls the yard).
@maximka No End of the World, only Dance Dance Revolution
Thanks for cooling me down go out to @nickbilton, @bre, @raphaelabrams, @objecked. Do you hear that? That is the sound of 62F.
The air conditioner has been installed and all pants status levels have been set to 62F.
No one here is wearing pants. In case you were wondering what happens on girl night at NYCR. No pants. Nope.
YO! Girl Geeks! Come visit this Friday. The space is all yours:
This is our world now. The world of the electron and the switch; the beauty of the baud.
@phooky's teaching a kickin' class on C for Beginners. GCC, variable types, meaning of white space and Hello World all in the first 45 min.
Pants Status: Pants Status?! I don't need no stinkin' pants!
OH:You sit over there with your cookies & your female videogame enthusiasts & we'll be over here shocking ourselves & making stopmotion porn
OH: That's a taser. Don't tase yourself bro.