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I'm getting cold just thinking about walking the dog.
@todderickv Happy second to last day!
Last full day of school. Just finals, then two weeks of freedom. Hmm, what should I do with my free time?
Why do people vote Republican? Check this video out if you haven't seen it.
@JessicaGottlieb Wow...that's just messed up. Screw Sam Walton, Walmart, and fake cowboy wives (you're a much better person than I am).
@todderickv re: school yesterday. That's one way to look at it. We have about 1/3 of the school here today (in pkwy). How about you guys?
@jessicalb re:Greek riots. No problem. The quality of the photography alone is astounding. Then you think about the people involved. Unreal.
No joke, at the first bell (8:20), we had ZERO students in the entire school. We're up to about ten now. Why am I here???
These pictures absolutely blew me away. I can't believe how insane the situation in Greece is.
@todderickv Hope the ice gods scared your admin as much as mine!
This weather is crazy. Right now it's 2 degrees in KC and 58 in Cape.
New Peace Between People post: "Abstinence Only Education = Kids Making Dumb Choices."
McCain looks so dejected talking to GS. It's ok buddy. Now you can get back to your true mavericky ways. Kudos on the Rummy torture report.
NYT: unpublished 513 page federal history shows disastrous Iraq reconstruction effort a $100 billion failure.
Heading to the airport to pick up @KBestOliver. Then we're going to hit up the new Qdoba at Chippewa and Watson. Yum.
@mochamomma Don't feel totally equipped to handle that question, but Ira's a pretty observant dude.
@mochamomma Lucky! That should be a good time.
@GaneshaXi Maybe people are intimidated by your pic. It makes you look kind of mean and judgmental. :)
@GaneshaXi I feel the same way. Sometimes it feels like everyone here is floating around in their own isolated little bubble. Oh well.


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