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The test for my character starts now! Wow!
Interrupts in powerpc arch seems to be a mesh
And since i slept last week i am under pressure this week...Would like to put heroic effort and get out of the mess asap~!
My sleep was full of night mares..!never leave a job cant sleep
@scorpfromhell Nope but last lecture is a good read.. About a man who lived short but accomplished lot~
Whoof! Got the hack! And got the msi. Now all i need to do is to check the interrupt
May get only 60 more minutes in office! But I want more
@laksram85 My current read is also James Joyce.. so far so good..
How do you like a school without exams ? Above all no bags are allowed in the school for children till 5 th grade
Incidentally his spouse did her college in Karaikudi and that made my evening sweeter bringing memories of the sweet and cute college road
Oops..Went to a relatives home for the first time after coming to chennai!They had two kids:)
@laksram85 I havent planned. If you are ready for the journey lets start after Jan 10
A whiff of success but got to break now.. its going to be a difficult week ahead ..blame my sleeps of past week
Doesnt know how i gonna manage time..started work with a 2 hrs delay and now wasted 2 hrs on a minor bug
@laksram85 somethign wrong with the link..check the novel among the other works
@laksram85 thats again wrong ..i actually meant this


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