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Asking people for help. Please pass around the word of mouth about our site.
Excited that we have reached the over 150 pages on The site keeps growing and thank you to all who continue to love us!
Just thinking how the green movement is here to stay. Was told this morning that there is a cafe in Michigan that is going totally green!!
Hoping people who love our site will pass it along to others, Help us grow and grow. energy education is vital.
Added more categories onto our review section
Starting our word of mouth campaign. If you like eco20/20 pass it along to all your friends. Lets learn about clean energy together.
Brand new product reviews
@gsun83 I have been generating blog posts about energy saving tips
@gsun83 Really? I wrote a blog about it, I live in Detroit. We don't have public transportation
Did you know that running full load of dishes is more eco friendly and energy saving that doing them by hand?
Brand new product reviews!
Finally finished totally revamping site, way more user friendly!
Just finished posting three reviews and two blog posts. That makes me very happy!
Waiting on one email, so bored, need it before I can go home!
Posted new government grant
Hoping the coffee kicks in soon, Posting of product reviews everyday starting today or tomorrow.
Looking around at different local newspapers, who would maybe publish some of our web articles or blog articles.
Just finishing up another product review.......Get ready for 2-3 New product reviews a day!!!! Coming very very soon.
Just finished uploading our fifth page for Green Careers Guide. Its still brand new but very exciting. I now have two sites to work on.YES
@greenmom you've got some great stuff. Let me know if there is ever anything you think we should add to our site, to help people more.


hans.gerwitz Lane Sean Maria Jose Karl Jacob Chris Stout Raffy Tom Carding irwin John Dyer Simon Griffiths Wilson biverson electric John Ngo Ben Askew sinisterfrog d@vid seaward Keith Williams Dan Serdar KiliƧ Ed Fladung Don The Idea Guy Baljit roovno Michael Joseph Ben G Karl Fischer Charlie Colin O'Brien Mick Liubinskas Conor Curlett Greg Lexiphanic missakins alan jones Conn O'Brien
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