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21Dec Mayflower lands @ Plymouth Rock 1620. Crossword puzzle added to NY World 1913. Soviet Union dissolves 1991. Frank Zappa born 1940.
@bcollinsmn Aren't gifts under $11k tax-free? Or is that just between family members?
Ok, time's a-wastin'. Time now for some serious bakin'! More ginger spice cookies + cranberry-orange bread w/Grand Marnier icing.
Of course, after shopping last night for my bread baking ingredients, I then forgot about buying the mini-loaf pans. Gotta have those, yes?
20Dec Bonnie Prince Charlie born 1720. Patti Smith born 1946. Broadway NYC lit by electricity 1880. ONJ's Physical #1 1981.
@blissfulfun I'm so sorry to hear the news. Thoughts and prayers coming your way.
@bcollinsmn If it's of any solace, I cleared out my box at Lite two weeks ago. Am still on the schedule though thru January.
19Dec Corrugated paper patented 1871. It's A Wonderful Life premieres 1946. The Music Man opens 1957 (NYC). Singing The Blues #1 1956.
@iotajudy And most men are clueless about FM107. So there. (wink)
@iotajudy LOL They're called "talk show hosts" or just "talent."
@windowseat Doesn't Firefox have a plug-in that saves pages, even dynamic ones? Try
@iotajudy If you think AM1500 is staffed by DJs, no wonder you've never heard of the station. AM1500 stopped music & disk jockeys ca. 1979.
18Dec 13th Amendment abolishes slavery1865. The Nutcracker Suite premieres 1892. Wonder Woman debuts 1976 ABC-TV. The Chipmunk Song #1 1958.
@jojeda Rabbit ears work fine for DTV reception. A person just needs the converter box to view on analog TV. DTV channels are on UHF.
17Dec It's Underdog Day & Nat'l Maple Syrup Day! 1st one-way street 1791 (NYC). Largest Sunday NY Times evah! 946 pages!! (1965)
Ok. I'll admit it. Minnesotans are horrible winter drivers. Arrggghh.
16Dec National Chocolate-Covered-Anything Day. Boston Tea Party 1773. Battle of the Bulge begins 1944. Madonna's Like A Virgin #1 1984.
@mclouthier GM can't sell cars because of the UAW. It's because GM doesn't market the kinds of cars more Americans want to buy. '80s redux.
@mclouthier Who is being coddled? Workers ... or CEOs with their Golden Parachutes paid for by taxpayers?
@mclouthier How many job choices in this economy? Not so easy to switch. And, yes, there still exist abusive employers altho no whips.


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