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@Lileks Unless your definition of "fun" includes "iced alveoli"
@Lileks Not sure how a run could be considered fun during a MN December.
I can't get over how weird this place is.
There's a spot in my room that reverberates when I speak. I wonder why...
@tedbeam It does look like it was designed by the Illuminati, doesn't it?
@tedbeam It has a grotto and an underground tunnel. Those make me lean toward "evil lair" more than "4-star hotel."
A top view. Weird, ain't it?
Learned a new term from the valet tonight: "Great states of pisstificiation." This has officially entered my lexicon. Please make note.
Staying in a hotel that resembles a ziggurat made by bees
@Lileks heh! Lobster Bunyan. Heh heh heh!!
One reason to love Chicago over LA ... Trains.
Well, whaddya know? It worked!
Someone just loaded a panicky baby onto the plane. Nothin' like a crowded, pressurized, rumbling cylinder to calm her right down.
@Lileks And he lost his home in the most recent batch of fires. Doubly heavy.
@Lileks realizing that you said 1985. What was the episode?
@Lileks when were you on Newton's Apple? I used to be devoted to that show.
Today, I heard that my Grandpa died. His final breath was a sneeze, and I couldn't help but laugh! He wouldn't have it any other way.


James Lileks Brian Moon The Sneeze tedbeam jazzmmzzaj jackmaatman BK drewtoothpaste ME BIGFOOT DrNatalieDee GMinusG