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RT @jdlasica heard on good authority John Seely Brown, former hd of Xerox Parc, lead candidate re: CTO in Obama administration ... great !
Trying my damndest to watch "Wall-E" but jeezly video store rented me a piece of crap ... stop, start, stutter, stop, start, f&%*^# !!!
long day .. about to start a conference call about a potential new (and interesting) project, but feels like one too many meetings today
@tonzylstra .. yes re: ScribeFire plug-in (have been discussing with them re: acquiring Qumana, so as to extend into other browsers ;-)
@jowyang .. re: Boomers .. adaptation (to many forms of new media) now wonky, as many still stuck at "learn email & Word" stage ..
up early .. still on European continent time, I guess
@kk ... can you ping me by email re: a possible opportunity for RainCity ?
RT @rossdawson Gartner says it wants to negotiate with me about including extinction analysis in its hype cycle :-) ... good idea !
still getting used to being back in Vancouver
@bmo .. I read Kunstler's latest blog post too ... optimistic in the sense of going back to something somewhat more real ?
@sszd .. as in "our agreements are our structures" ..
@sszd .. nature of 'competition" amongst employees, IMO, will move towards ongoing negotiation (who, what, when etc.) in a "wirearchy". no ?
RT @sszd With push towards transparency and collaboration within organizations, nature of competition among employees will have to evolve
@robgray .. sorry I did not get the chance to speak more with you when we were both in Paris .. Next time ! ?
@bmo .. my birthday ? Where did you get that idea from ?
RT @monkchips "gartner's blogging now. that's a big big change" .. @bas1809, attention !
Un grand "bravo" a Michelle Blanc pour "l'etoile de match" !!!
@bas1809 .. and "free market" rhetoric .. just exactly that, "rhetoric" for marketing to the masses
@bas1809 .. they don't know how else to do .. everyone used to "hierarchy" telling people what to do, and believe all will accept authority
RT @bas1809 ... Has everyone in power in the West gone mad? The more you bail out or throw incentives around, the longer this goes on ...


Jerry Michalski danah boyd Ross Ken Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Paul Terry Walhus Scott Beale Richard Smith Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Susan Scrupski Chaitanya Sagar Dean Landsman John Tropea Stowe Boyd Jevon Gordon Ross Michael O'CC Boris Mann cyprien brian moffatt marianne richmond Stuart Dina Lee LeFever Tom Coates  Chris Heuer Euan Semple jeneane sessum Phil Wolff Paolo Valdemarin Tom Guarriello Shane Birley kris krug Christopher Locke
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