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@JamesLappin what, you mean you can understand I'm saying?
Pretty impressed with MacSpeech already and it's writing this for me as I speak
Headed to town and part of the day in Whitehall with smart people - not politicians!
@DazzyB ai am pretty immune even without the headphones!
@mathemagenic kids are a great excuse for all sorts of stuff!
trying hard not to listen to the two guys next to me talking about buying and selling jewels
@marksimpkins i decided to give it a miss! Thanks for the offer though
@frankieroberto hope the heating lasts until they get there!
@billt yeah just saw Steve and apologised - got a better offer! :-)
@davoloid yes that was my favourite moment too!
in the RSA hoping to gatecrash Us Now then off to dinner with @jobsworth and @sambrook
@PBJohnson my wirpressblog got hacked an upgrade to the latest version seems to have sorted it.
@pascal_venier oh we know how to live over here mate! ;-)
@podnosh burning books soon after
slightly surprised that Leicester and Wokingham are liisted amongst the most popular destinations on Dopplr


David Smith Matt Jones Wayne Sutton Ross om Ken peterme Mr Messina Dion Hinchcliffe Mark Wubben Surj Patel Thomas Vander Wal Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Susan Scrupski Robert Brook anu Mark Simpkins Jyri Engeström Alexander Kjerulf tim malbon Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Beth Kanter Zadi Diaz Jevon Thomas Purves Pat Michael O'CC Philip Campbell Ian Forrester Mike Coulter Stuart Dina Chris V Yoz
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