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obama became a brand that 20 million young people engaged with. #mands08
we think the brand is becoming a more complicated construct. at its base is integrity @dtapscott #mands08
wow. this obama campaign analysis is amazing. too much to tweet. #mands08
iphones made supporters field managers with obama iphone app #mands08
tapscott: Obama didn't run a campaign; he created a platform #mands08
400,000 people blogged on 200,000 events were held #mands08
the youth vote enabled Obama to take florida #mands08
young voters came on 2/3 in favor of obama on election day. #mands08
it was because of the millennial vote obama got the nomination #mands08
@dapscott commercial break : :-) #mands08
Obama made new media separate reporting to the CEO on campaign. #mands08
2/3s of the views of Palin/Fey was online, particularly the Katie Couric interview. #mands08
@dtapscott 20 million messages were sent each month duriing the Obama campaign. #mands08
@dtapscott 67% of Obama's funds were raised online.#mands08
@cwood this is sloppy reporting by me. i have 5 windows open monitoring stuff, plus listening to the event. #mands08
@cwood he actually said president elect... my bad. #mands08
for those following the coverage, please feel free to join in on the convo. #mands08
@ericasteller yes. @kdpaine is the queen of social media measurement. thx. #mands08
Ogilvy's Featherstone asks, "if your media team was running obama's campaign, would he be president today? #mands08
Cisco: some of it is intuition. #mands08


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Jerry Michalski danah boyd Ross Dave McClure Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Dion Hinchcliffe Thomas Vander Wal Dave Winer Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Dennis D. McDonald Elisa Camahort Jim Long Jevon Thomas Purves Brian Solis debs Lee LeFever Howard Greenstein Euan Semple Jon Husband Robert Scoble Stephen Collins Anil Dash Kevin Gamble New Paradigm cote Craig Cmehil Jeffrey Zeldman James Governor Suw Jeremiah Silona
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