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Liking, but how can they afford to indefinitely stream 10 cent songs to me? I fear they'll be a victim of success.
@mezzoblue Sent you instructions through your contact form, which also was preventing me from posting "exec();" in the message.
@mezzoblue That's not a MT restriction. Again, are you using mod_security?
@mezzoblue Are you using mod_security? If so, perhaps you need an exclusion rule for that service URL.
@plasticmind It's a recipe for a super-easy technique to have a remote machine download a torrent, waiting for me when I get home.
Home Mac mini + + (configured to monitor a folder for new torrents) = MAGIC
@Twitterrific — Also still wishing for an extra view that just shows one row for each friend with their last tweet (sorted reverse-chron)
@Twitterrific — So wish that tiny urls had a tooltip showing the real url.
EtherPad: A web-based shared text editor (think SubEthaEdit, but written in JavaScript). Demo:
@miyagawa Cmd+Option+Ctrl+Shift+Escape makes Teleport break the connection.
@boxee Man, next Monday sure seems a long way off.
CodeWeavers is giving away CrossOver today. http://lameduck.codeweavers...
Well, my poor MacBook Air is being sent off for service. I'll have to do with the standby company black MacBook in the meantime.
Correcting earlier tweet -- error was "Invalid node structure". MB won't boot now, but everything is backed up. Genius bar reservation soon.
Disk Utility reports "Invalid node cluster." Only options seem to be either use Disk Warrior or reformat.
@danbenjamin Really? My domain has them. You don't get the little green beaker until you enable one under Settings -> Labs.
Glad to see Apple abandoning the "Combo/Super drive" choice. Also, 2GB standard even on the 13" MacBooks!
@miyagawa In my experience, Mozy was useless for backing up your music/video library. Basically never finished. Let me know if it works now!
@Twitterrific @ev Can you please NOT count the "d username " part of the message in the 140 character limit?