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Wow, finding out someone I really think is cool liked "Forrest Gump" always make me sad.
Hoping "The Day The Earth Stood Still" will be the laugh riot that I'm currently seeking. I love disaster flicks.
OH: If I was Oprah, I would just eat a cash sandwich.
Why does the New Yorker run those boring Patricia Marx shopping pieces. UGH!
Really happy that my office does not engage in the tradition of Secret Santas... awkwardness waiting to happen there.
How weird to move out of cubicle land and into an office... I suddenly feel like I'm going to be working at Microsoft.
Just bought fixings for making cookies. That's right, people, I now own flour.
I really like the Burbank Airport ... Except for the piped in Xmas music
Sitting in the sun at Descanso Gardens, waiting for Kirkie and her girls
Discovered a "new to me" alcohol last night called: Veev. It's supposed to be loaded with anti-oxidants.
Is there anything better than a tasty sweet potato fry? Still cracking up that the waiter asked what kind of water we'd like. So L.A.
An old guy is playing Xmas carols on an organ at the Red Lion
The older I get, the odder my parents seem. Or maybe I'm getting odder and they're getting more normal?
Wow, just found out my dad voted for prop 8. There may be bloodshed over dinner. Wish me luck.
Always amazed how much time I spend in my rent-a-car in L.A. It's as if I'm really just visiting traffic instead of people.
A Monday off on another foggy Seattle day translates to yoga, packing, napping, and yes, more movies.
Really, really hoping it will warm in L.A.
Ah, public speaking, so we meet again.
Saw "Milk." Good stuff. Consuming movies like candy. Some days it's fun to be Tom from "The Glass Menagerie."
Hey, head cold, you have interesting timing.


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