Evan Courtney’s Favorites

Brian Williamson
brianWilliamson @mufan96 Try living with said former underwear model.
Doug Fields
DougFields Today i was challenging a referee's call (a little louder than I should have) after the game he said, ''Hey Pastor Doug-I go to Saddleback''
Alfred Thompson
alfredtwo @mufan96 I looked at that but since I actually have pictures of me from the 70s ... well nuff said :-)
noefool lord jesus, please help michael phelps and the rest of the team win this relay.
loswhit Costas just said Kosuke Kitajima is now the best breast stroker of all time. I beg to differ.
Tim Stevens
timastevens Oops. Sent text to invite friend last night to play Xbox. Text: "Wanna play at 10:30?" Except sent it to wrong person. A female staffer.
Tom White Jr.
TomWhiteJr @mufan96 THAT guy's ups must be deceptive
joeherbert Standing in line for ashleys american idol audition
Chris Elrod
ChrisElrod After yesterday's sermon I had to explain to my wife that there is a difference in being "jacked up" and "jacked off". :-)
bandjleitch @mufan96 its easy just blow tie twist and turn
wyclif @mufan96 No, I always thought that was reserved for prep school & trust fund kids. And gay men.
TweetJeebus I certainly wish Dr. James Dobson would focus on his own family, rather than those of everyone else. He and I need to have a talk.
TweetJeebus Just turned around -- and there's George Carlin. Even I can be surprised now and then.
TweetJeebus @jayhmt Hate to break it to you, but Heaven and Hell are the same place. It's not the latitude, but the attitude.
Chris Elrod
ChrisElrod I can understand why women like Coldplay...but I can't understand what men see in them. The music is so girlie...and worship-leader like!!!
TweetJeebus Everytime I make a sloppy typo, a denomination is born.
Tim Stevens
timastevens @mufan96 Thanks for sending the notice on PGTC tweets. Amazing. I didn't realize that many were talking about it.
Neighbors @mufan96 I opened my network so I could blame all the porn sites on you. Figured it's an even trade. ;-)
Steve Borsch
sborsch Pony Express and Twitter: One took a long time to deliver a message and the others a pain-in-the-ass. Guess which is which.
Doug Harris
dugharris @mufan96 :: what's up with the serial killer pic?


Philip Kaplan ilona Brandooon Stacy Jenson, dammit Jay Laney jason_g jeremiah Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Ian McKellar Sharon Angela Lars Jason Goldman Chris Wetherell mai Josh Kopelman tai adam Lisa Quinn veen Dennis Crowley Jason Shellen Sara Maggie Mason Lori davegray Jerry Michalski Buzz Andersen Peter Berg Chris Jones Cristiano Dias Chris Sacca Derrick Scott Fegette
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