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Tony's in the museum district is awesome Italian food. #chattanooga
Wow. The chattanooga aquarium is one of the best I've seen. Better than chicago's and equal to baltimore's.
Looking for a place to volunteer on Christmas day. Any suggestions?
Hanging out with some new friends in Chattanooga. Good times.
Went for a run tonight. It was the first one in awhile... don't know why I have been slacking as it felt great.
@pbeiser Ha... thanks for the nomination. =)
@globalcitizen Me too... think Twitter is having hiccups again.
3+ emails a week announcing an event in February is way too much!
@humancell Ah, good job. =) What is the scoop on this Google News Hack?
I must not be napping aggressively enough, because I have a full blown cold. Sigh.
@humancell it said it was a pay article? Hmmm...odd. Did you get it to work?
@ryancoisson Huh... never tried that before. But must admit it doesn't sound too great. =)
@technotheory Yeah. I haven't checked out the site much, but all the emails turned me off to it.
@technotheory I feel like I get a lot of spam from it. Just so you know..
Good column on economy:
@ryancoisson Today I was sipping on euchanasia tea in hopes of feeling better. Think it worked some. You? Tea drinker?
@danrua Ha, yep.. I am one of "those" people. I'm excited to try it when the company let's us Mac users in. =)
Sick today. Taking a lazy day of catching up on emails and drinking tea. Hoping to feel better tonight


Josh Kopelman Dave McClure Tara missrogue Hunt Michael Parekh Scott Beale Rob Hayes Jason Calacanis Christine Herron Andrew Parker Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Doug Haslam Jim Long Emily Chang Bre Pettis  C.C. Chapman Robert Scoble Lonnie Olson Todd Dailey Jeff Barr Hugh MacLeod cote James Governor Robin Blandford Jeremiah Fraser Kelton Dave steve o'grady Michael Gartenberg sMoRTy71 David LaPlante CNN Breaking News Marc Nathan MarketWatch Seth Blank karmadude
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