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I apparently took 9 pictures this entire year...Traveled about 8 months of the year, and ended up with 9 pictures. Huh.
@engagejoe I'll know Tuesday whether or I'm spending New Years on the East Coast this year. If I'm around, I'll make it happen.
...It probably took so long because my brain is so scrambled.
Finally, finally installed XAMPP on my work notebook. I'm not entirely sure why something some amazingly simple took so long.
Spending the morning setting up a new svn repo for a few projects.
Hiding on a Saturday night. Holidays + Hometown = Ugh.
Back home. It was a mildly entertaining drive back north. Way too many people making poor decisions on the road, though.
Supposed to get 6-10 inches of snow the day I'm heading back home. Excellent.
I feel old.
Mediawiki 1.13.2 doesn't do image redirects anymore...Jeez. I'll have to fix that. (Yeah, I'm late on that)
@dietrich The toolkit is a mediawiki plugin, the application of the toolkit is Knowmore specific.
A new look at editing (Codename: Knowbox) is coming before the end of the year. I'm really happy with it. and the Firefox extension on treehugger. Thanks @engagejoe!
@tominhaler Wow, and they put a totally uninspiring Raconteurs video/song below it!
@peterdeitz Huh. I plan on recalling a Will Smith movie as if I had actually lived it. Yours is pretty good too, though.
@dietrich I can't remember what I said precisely, but I'm pretty sure I was gushing and making up words.
The amount of work I've done today is deceptively low.
@engagejoe You should start seeing "Compatible up to: 2.7" for @socialactions WP plugins sometime soon. If you don't let, me know.
@dietrich I was on the phone yesterday with morgamic of webdev and totally dropped your name. I felt dirty.


Jonathon D. Colman Alex Polvi dietrich ayala evonne ~inKenzo~ Manny Hernandez TechSoup NetSquared Joe Solomon Amy Sample Ward dannybrown starfocus alexsteed nathaniel whittemore tominhaler christineegger knowmoredotorg Nathaniel Whittemore AskYourLawmaker Peter Deitz moztweets