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Quick comp for a hall of shame widget re:
I think I'll make a widget from the info in this story -- find pictures of the execs, note how much they... re:
Hil, if I decide to do it, I'd love a contribution from you. I'm sure you could do wildless I can't imagine. Have... re:
Had about the same reaction -- wasn't sorry I saw it. Cleese was suited as old genius scientist. re:
I think it's smart. They might win back some hearts. re:
@tinagillmor ran across this old picture and thought about you and steve
Spotted on an email message in Gmail: Twitter user advertising for followers.... re:
@kflanagan ah, that might be a clue. All the hits are coming from the Google gallery, which doesn't report the installs, so may be Android.
Current flurry of widget installs has me checking stats every few minutes. Reminds me of a day in 1996 when my napping site was CoolSiteoftD
More satisfying than writing a great blog post that gets linked to and seen, I guess because an install is such an affirming gesture?
I'm sorry if I've been annoying with tweets about my widgets. I'm kind of obsessed. Making them and seeing them installed is very satisfying
Still scratching my head about spike in inaug countdown widget installs. Don't know where it was featured. 2,500 yesterday, 700 already tday
@dave That's Enlightenment. Could be some of us enjoy the divide (That's Entertainment)
Obama may believe he has so much goodwill in reserve that he can squander some on purpose, because pissing off the left pleases the right.
Excellent! My work comrades and I are asked not to attempt the drive to work until noon. We're a very safe bunch we are.
It hasn't been up on Clearspring long enough for me to figure out the advanced metrics, so I have to guess.
Has anybody seen my Obama countdown widget on some big blog or news site or something? Trying to work out what caused 1,100 installs in 4hrs
I always imagine I could really type on these (this is N97) things until I see a photo shot for scale with hands.
@stevegillmor just noticed interesting new changes to sources for
When FF sends my link as a tweet, but not my comments about it, often it doesn't make sense.