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@metajack yea, exactly the reason I'm fixing some of the bugs :)
@metajack working on 3 things: updating my fuzzy date parser for some error reports and some xmpp love
@kev for me the rest of the house is asleep so I'm working on some personal projects
why am I up at 0600 on a Sunday?!?
moving to the couch with the laptop
@stevepurkiss yea, was just the thing to distract me from some work chores ;)
having a "conversation" on friendfeed with someone who was one of the GTalk devs - here I thought I was telling them something new
@ryguy999 not yet, I've taken to keeping the office door closed at night :)
back from food shopping, tried to plan meals for the week and realized I would have to be organzied first
@Pufferfish yep :) - it's my main focus at work (well that and ops)
@tychoish if the omb tools had both xrds style discovery and reply ability *then* it would be federated
@metajack the @foo/army.twit reply discussion devolved into a polite mess so it hasn't moved anywhere
@kev ahhh - yes, PP is a great resource and TPP is an amazing read
@kev skype supports s// ?? do they send the change and update everyone who has already received it?
@kev :) you need to think big and incremental! but yes, showing how it works for high-volume is a Good Thing
"what's next for xmpp?" ... "oh world domination" <--- muahahahahaha


Evan Williams rabble kellan Greg Kidd Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Ian McKellar Chris Wetherell Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Thomas Vander Wal thomasknoll Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Eduardo Arcos Dan Cederholm Geoff DiMasi Stikkit Jacob Patton Arnold Justine Alex Hillman l.m. orchard Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Dan York Veronica Belmont Jim Doug Haslam Philip Campbell Peter Saint-Andre Ryan Stewart Tantek Çelik Hickensian Colin Devroe Danny Ayers
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