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Inside the Transition: Meeting with energy and environmental leaders

We went inside the Transition and put together a short video of a meeting between the Energy and Environment Policy Team and a group of energy and environmental leaders -- the heads of organizations including the Nature Conservancy, the World Wildlife Fund, and the Pew Environment Group.  read more...

The plan for broadband

Technology blogs and commentators are applauding a part of President-elect Obama's plan for economic recovery laid out in his most recent weekly address: the promise to make broadband internet access available in every corner of the country, and to push hospitals and doctors' offices to improve care and cut costs by adopting electronic medical records. read more...

Events and Announcements: Meet General Eric Shinseki

General Shinseki sat down with us to talk about his commitment to military families and the vital veterans' issues that the Veterans Affairs agency must tackle in an Obama-Biden administration. read more...

General Eric Shinseki nominated as United States Secretary of Veterans Affairs (Update: video)

President-elect Barack Obama today announced General Eric Shinseki, the first Asian American four-star general, as his selection to be United States Secretary of Veterans Affairs. read more...

President-elect Barack Obama talks economy, foreign policy on ‘Meet the Press’

The President-elect says passing a short-term economic stimulus package a top priority, announces cabinet nomination of General Shinseki. read more...

President-elect Barack Obama to hold Sunday press conference

President-elect Barack Obama will hold a press conference at the Chicago Hilton today. The press conference begins at 1pm CT. read more...

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Transition Directory

GSA Transition Directory

GSA Transition Directory

The Transition Directory was developed to introduce Presidential nominees, appointees, and members of the President-elect's Transition Team to the operation of the Federal government and to the resources available to help them begin their service in the new Administration.