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Learning Latin indicative imperfect deponent verbs. For I - I, my friends - am a man who knows how to party.
@mkrigsman Actually writing my column and quoting him.
Hey, all was it "Cringeley's Law" that says that old technology never disappears, but accumulates beneath newer technologies?
Is watching the first snow fall out of a cold Boston sky.
@viralradio The January issue of TR - so in the last week of December.
His writing his column for Technology Review - upon the accumulation of old technology, within us, like geological strata.
Technology Review on the extensible Obama:
Off to bed - and the Chapter on "Late Antiquity" in Paul Veyne's magisterial "History of Private Life."
It's vulgar to link to blogs about one's self or things one writes: but this was flattering:
@leslieberg Her Greek accent is by far the most attractive thing about her. And: how she represents America's tolerance for reinvention.
I am so sick of hearing Arianna Huffington bloviate to the MSM about blogging I could puke. She's on Charlie Rose right now: don't watch.
One can always work harder, until one can't.
What sort of madman would invent a bananna-scented carpet cleaner? It's madness, I tell you!
@praeburn I do not defend Freud (in fact, dislike him), but he thought his years of analysis provided a kind of experimental database.
@guykawasaki Who should I speak to these days about speakers/programming at the Churchilll Club?
Any one know who makes the decisions for programming/speakers at the Churchill Club these days?
@RachelSterne It's jumped the shark. Not just paranoid, too - but sexist. @leahculver doesn't deserve this kind of rubbishing.
RT @timoreilly. Olivia Judson on the politicization of science:


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